the President’s Desk
From the President’s Desk

My Dear friends in Christ.
Grace and peace be unto you all. It is my heart desire and prayer to God for my nation India like Apostle Paul in Romans.10:2 that “all Israelites (Indian)s be saved”. At the same time, I have been experiencing missiological challenges since I pioneered a Church As Jesus said to His disciples in Mathew 10:17 “Do not worry WHAT to say or HOW to say…..”By WHAT it means CONTENT and HOW it means the “METHODS”. In other word Pastors/Leaders need to focus both the CONTENT and METHOD whiling ministering the Word to the people. In any given situation a Pastor/Leader needs not only to know the right CONTENT but also to use right METHODS to speak His Word.
Today the Indian churches need to know sound doctrine and use a right Hermeneutical method to interpret the Bible. In my 30 years of pastoral ministry experience, many pastors/leaders finddifficulties as to how to interpret the Bible. There could be many reasons as to why churches are not growing strong both in faith and practices, however, I strongly believe one of the reasons is that due to no proper theological training, many pastors tend to misinterpret the Scripture. It’s to those pastors/leaders to train and to teach a Biblical Method to rightly dividing the Word of God by applying a proper Biblical interpretation.
Moreover, India Mission, Mission India (IMMI) founded as a disciple making disciple institution, in obedience to His Great Commission (Matt.28:19-20). What India in particular, plunged towards spiritual emptiness and moral degradation, needs to know is the redeeming grace and saving grace and love of Jesus Christ. In obedience to the evangelistic mandate of our Lord, India Mission, Mission India (IMMI), as our Statement of Faith unequivocally declares, is Bible-based, Evangelical, Interdenominational and Christ centered.. If you are convinced and feel led by the Spirit, in the knowledge that you are called, chosen and set apart for the Lord’s ministry, come and be a part of IMMIand join hands together to see India is saved and “presented perfect in Christ..” Col.1:27. May the Lord guide you all very richly always for your preparations and practices in His Ministry.
Rev. Sunam Ratna
India Mission: (Evangelism in India)
It is to reach India first through gospel of Christ Jesus, making disciples starting from India to utmost parts of the world. For which training and equipping Pastors/Leaders of India is core focus.
Mission India (Evangelism from India To Neighbouring Countries)
Having equipped and trained through seminars, IMMI aims to send able and dedicated Missionaries from India to neighbouring countries for their evangelization, making disciples of nations, fulfilling the Great Commission of Christ.
IMMI Theological Seminary is an institute for theological studies in Bangalore, India. We have a Christian ethos and aim at a pursuit of excellence for God’s service. IMMI runs in a rented building. IMMI theological Seminary offers both Residential and correspondence degreesTeaching and research are facilitated by well–qualified faculty members
Our VIsion
We seek to be the best theological educational institution in India to train the Pastors, Evangelists and Missionaries who had no privileges of studying in Theological colleges. Teaching them to teach others. (2Tim.2:2).