Our Mission is
GReat Commission

Let us do as Christ does.

Great Commission is the instruction of the resurrected Jesus Christ to his disciples to spread the gospel to all the nations of the world. The Great Commission is outlined in Matthew 28:16–20, where on a mountain in Galilee Jesus calls on his followers to make disciples of and baptize all nations in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Great Commission is similar to the episodes of the commissioning of the Twelve Apostles found in the other Synoptic Gospels, Luke also has Jesus during his ministry dispatching disciples, including the seventy disciples, sending them to all the nations and giving them power over demons. The dispersion of the Apostles in the traditional ending of Mark is thought to be a 2nd-century summary based on Matthew and Luke.

It has become a tenet in Christian theology emphasizing ministry, missionary work, evangelism, and baptism. The apostles are said to have dispersed from Jerusalem and founded the apostolic sees, such as those at Corinth, Philippi, Ephesus, and Rome.

For us it is where ever God send us, we are there.


Extraordinary Experiences



Our Core Values


I have Chosen You And Ordained you

John 15:16

do You want to be ordained?

+91 9901165652

IMMI is at Your Service

Committed To The building of the body of Christ

India Mission Mission India


Pastoral ordinations for Today’s Church

Ordinations are Happening Here

Dr. Sunam Rathna

Anonting ordained Pastors


Ordination Certicicates


Pastors and Leaders


Trunphet Blowing

+91 9964383161

We Love to See You in our

Ordination Service

Happy Life Stories

Creating Smiles for Miles!
Story1: I feel very joyful to hear how the Lord is working in other parts of the world. Now, as I will be ordained to the pastoral ministry, I pray that the Lord will continually equip and empower me to serve Him faithfully and fervently, together with my family, in His church, particularly in Pangasinan.
Pastor Sounder
Story 2: Praise the Lord for pastor ordination organised by IMMI ( India Mission, Mission India), When I began the ministry in the mission field, I felt the need to further equip myself to face pastoral challenges I encounter to ordained asa a pastor to do effective pastoral ministry. Pastoral ordination helped me to do ministry with authority and commitment in the ministry fields.
Pas Paul Kumar
Story 3: The idea of vocational ministry in a general sense was always an appealing possibility. There are pastors and missionaries in previous generations of my extended family. My parents experienced their own, individual calls to missionary service when they were teenagers. Our family life was good and reinforced for me the significance of lives dedicated to equipping to church for works of service. !
Pastor Samuel Narayanswami
Story 4: It was only when I began wrestling with the particular call to plant a multi-ethnic church that I began to understand just how hard this call can be. As i began new church in 2008, I had no idea that I would eventually be its pastor. As a relatively well-read person, I just knew that Nepal church planted in predominately Hindu dominated neighborhood would require a pastor like me. That’s way I obeyed God’s to be a pastor. I thank God for IMMI which ordained me to serve the Lord in Nepal.
Pastor David Marandi
Story 5: My name is Pastor Mohan Lazar. I grew up as a Hindu but now I am a Christian. I saw my family, friends, and neighbors worship their gods to get healing and salvation, but despite their prayers they never received it. It was not long after this I met a pastor, who made me accept Jesus in my life. I fell to my knees, asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins and I accepted Jesus into my life. The called to serve the Lord in Karnataka, I pioneered a church in Ramanagar, and I am now serving the Lord Jesus as a pastor at Grace Community Church. I thank God for India Mission, Mission India, where I could equip myself by attending pastors’ seminars. Dr. Lee’s teaching led me to correct in regards to interpretation of the Bible.
Pastor Mohan Lazar.

How to Find Us


IMMI Bangalore
Karnataka, INDIA.


+91 9964383161

