About US

Who we are?
India Mission, Mission India (IMMI) is an Evangelical, Interdenominational Christian ministry began with the conviction that the churches in India needed something more than just another Ministry. Rather, it needed an evangelical mission-focused Seminar for Pastors and Leaders through sound doctrine and rightly handling the Word of truth that held on to the centrality of the Christian gospel, as well as contained sound theological learning, to equip Pastors/Leaders to meet the challenges of the 21st Century.
IMMI begun with the vision given to Rev.Dr. Lee Yun Ho and Rev. Sunam Ratna in 2009, to REACH and to TEACH with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to fellow Indians. Like-minded people in India agreed on the need for such a vision and have joined hands with IMMI. We seek to reach the unreached and to Teach them to teach others.
Now IMMI has reached many parts of India and neighbouring countries, impacting and motivating many churches through teaching, training and conducting Seminars giving training to pastors andleaders IMMI began with few pastors/Leaders but now it’s a family of 5000 plus Pastors/Missionaries/Leaders throughout India.
Since 2010 IMMIhas been conducting Pastors and Leaders seminars in different parts of India such as Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Siliguri, Sikkim, Mumbai and Odisha etc.

Our VIsion
We seek to be the best theological educational institution in India to train the Pastors, Evangelists and Missionaries who had no privileges of studying in Theological colleges. Teaching them to teach others. (2Tim.2:2).

Our Mission
To train and equip under privileged pastors/ Christian leaders to demonstrate Christ-likeness, and excellence in academic, in ministry and in mission, by offering degree programmes in a caring and needy community.
Statements of Faith
- We believethat the Bible is the only inspired, infallibleand inerrant, authoritative Word of God.It is the only true standard forthe believer’s life and practice.The Bible contains all things necessary for the salvation of all peoples of the world
- We believethat there is one God, eternally existent in the three Persons;Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- We believein the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ; His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father and His personal return in power and glory
- We believethat man was created in the image of God,that he was tempted by Satan and fell, and that the Bible clearly states that all following Adam have sinned and become sinful.Repentance toward God, faith in Jesus Christ, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit are absolutely necessary for salvation.
- We believethat every believer is called to sanctification through identification with Jesus Christ in his death and resurrection.Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit every believer is illumined, enlightened and enlivened and through His guidance and strengthening he/she is fully consecrated to the will of God and receives power for holy living and effective service
- We believein the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling empowering and gifting the Christian is enabled to live a life of godliness, a life of pure, noble and lofty ethical values and moral standards, a life of effective service
- We believe in the resurrection of the saved and the lost, those who are saved unto the resurrection of life and those who are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
- We believe that all believers should live lives of faith of whole hearted consecration to Christ, and continual prayer and consecration for the fulfilling of the Great Commission to go into the world to make disciples of all nations Field Reports
- IMMI has 5 full time Missionaries sent to different parts of India and Nepal.
- IMMI has built 18 churches in India.
- IMMI has built an Orphanage in Odisha for the orphans who lost their parents during the riots in Kandhamal, Odisha in 2008. About 30 Orphans are nurtured and cared for.
- IMMI provides a regular supply of rice and other needs for the persecuted Christians in Kandhamal, Odisha.
- IMMI has network with 2000 plus Pastors/Leaders closely associated to reach India.